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“Emotion…demands something more positive than a name written on a sheet of paper, an hour spent listening to speeches, a cheque written for whatever sum we can afford – say one guinea. Some more energetic, some more active method of expressing our belief… seems to be required.”

– Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas, 1938

In the 1930’s, the celebrated writer Virginia Woolf receives three requests for a gift of one guinea each to various charities – a women’s college, a program for the employment of women, and an initiative to protect cultural and intellectual liberties.

Woolf’s thoughtful response – the essay Three Guineas – urges us all to consider social change through economic investment. Isn’t this the bedrock of fundraising still today?

3 Guineas Business Solutions believes that we all have the right to choose where to invest our support – with care. Virginia Woolf spent over 100 pages explaining why her choice of three causes was relevant to her vision of the world.

When purchasing goods or services or donating to charitable causes, we support values that resonate with our own personal vision.  Companies can build brand loyalty and emotionally engage with the deliberate and careful consumer – leading to stronger, longer customer and donor life-cycles – if they recognize the thoughtful nature of their prospects. 

In choosing a question and answer format to the essay, Woolf also demonstrates that solutions to complex problems require a diversity of voices, skills and perspectives. Through dialogue rather than diatribe, Woolf explores new approaches to problem solving in the broadest sense. She also recognizes that some of her suggestions would be considered radical – but felt that systemic change would only come with bold new approaches.

3 Guineas Business Solutions offers a diverse voice to your problem-solving efforts.  The solutions may be right in front of you – 3 Guineas will help draw the roadmap to get you there. We will also help you navigate the obstacles that may be stopping you from bold achievements.

“If we are to help you… we must try to penetrate deeper beneath the skin.“

– Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas, 1938

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